How I Define Vocational Expansion
Vocational Expansion Counseling focuses on "expanding and unleashing one's infinite potential, passion and performance" (www., 2017) through exploring and strengthening transferable skills, and reinforcing one's already inherent "ability to adapt to changing circumstances, even when the circumstances are discouraging or disruptive" (Collard et al. 1996).
If you are seeking Vocational Expansion Counseling, your sessions will be customized based on your unique needs and individual goals. Sessions can focus on developing and enhancing one's positive inherent characteristics, in addition to, transferable job skills in order to pursue new opportunities and personal and professional growth.
These sessions may include: application of counseling interventions and psychotherapeutic techniques to identify and remediate cognitive, mental, and emotional issues, including personal growth, adjustment to disability, and psychosocial and environmental problems; as well as, conducting assessment(s) for the purpose of establishing counseling goals and objectives to empower individuals to deal adequately with life situations, reduce stress, experience growth, change behavior, and make well-informed, rational decisions.
Individual Strength Based Assessment and Analysis of your Preferred Behavior Styles will take a close look at congruence between intention, behavior and impact.
"Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears, " Laird Hamilton.